Thanks for the write-up. The muddling mid cap series is really interesting as an exercise in estimating probabilities of the different outcomes, since the businesses often start getting more complicated with more moving parts compared to smaller companies. I appreciate you doing to work, it personally helps me learn more about analysis.
On a completely unrelated note, you should check out Perma-Fix Environmental Services (PESI). A near to medium term 3-5 bagger.
you son-of-a-bitch I'm in
Thanks for the write-up. The muddling mid cap series is really interesting as an exercise in estimating probabilities of the different outcomes, since the businesses often start getting more complicated with more moving parts compared to smaller companies. I appreciate you doing to work, it personally helps me learn more about analysis.
On a completely unrelated note, you should check out Perma-Fix Environmental Services (PESI). A near to medium term 3-5 bagger.
Initial write up on VIC here
and covered by a fellow Substack author