Jul 22Liked by Unemployed Value Degen

You know you're an honorary Latino when you: cover BAK, warn of dating volatile 'assets' and refer to combustible as 'Nafta.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Unemployed Value Degen

Solid write-up ! You are able to turn such a boring company into an engaging and learning exercise. Bravo !

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Thank you for the kind words

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Jul 18Liked by Unemployed Value Degen

what's the geography of braskem's customer base? do they sell at all to the u.s. [i.e. directly earn dollars] the dollar could plunge in buying power but still be strong versus other currencies.

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BAK has about 8% market share in the US, about 65% in Brazil, and the rest of latin America is somewhere in between.

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Jul 18Liked by Unemployed Value Degen

do you mean 8% of its output goes to the u.s., or that 8% of plastics in the u.s. comes from BAK?

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8% of plastics in the US come from BAK, assuming Gemini AI wasn't hallucinating

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Jul 18Liked by Unemployed Value Degen

How do you determine that Bak is a fintwit favourite? I only ever saw calvinfroedge promoting it initially and then 3/4 retail accounts discussing?

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I miss Calvin, he blocked me, not sure why. It's like the old napster days, if I find something really good, I look to see who else found it, then I look to see what else they bought. Some trash some treasure.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Unemployed Value Degen

Hmm no, I'm asking because moving forward I want to avoid fintwit favourites. I always get f over investing in those like Bak, hrbr, save, vtnr, asps, Russia, ostk etc. just curious what is your criteria or why u consider Bak to be a fintwit favourite.

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I do sometimes use a screener: https://tradestie.com/apps/twitter/most-active-stocks/

But most of the time I just see what people are talking about the most, toenail fungus, tin, etc. I do agree that those ideas are often stale, and I won't write about ideas that I think are bad. I will always disclose which ideas come from Twitter randos.

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Jul 23Liked by Unemployed Value Degen

oh i will be happy to read whatever you write, fintwit fav or not. this is the first well balanced bak thesis i read, if i had read this i wouldnt have put in such a big allocation to this (im not lasse). I was wondering if u cld also share your perspective on tin in future. there are some weirdos on fintwit that have been bullish tin for years but tin price went nowhere. they celebrate everytime tin pop 1 or 2% like it is going to happen then silence when price drops.

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Thank you for the feedback, yeah its hard to stay levelheaded, sometimes. A lot of excitement out there. I haven't looked into tin yet. I only know the basics. But its been years since we last had any sort of industrial boom. China's housing market and rising interest rates have been holding a lot of things back. I'm sure we'll have a boom again someday, then the hard part will be selling

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