Interesting comparison with vermillon. However, I think that metallurgical coal has more upside than oil and gas, as at current prices, lots of companies are at break-even and smaller companies are bleeding money. The situation is similar to PGM miners but not as extreme.
Would you rather own a basket of coal stocks or a basket of offshore oil drillers?
At these prices, offshore drillers all day long.
wrt/ tip jar - you could create a 'patron' level above 'founding member' that folks could use to sponsor at a higher level. nice to have super fans!
Thank you for the suggestion. Still figuring out this career path
Apparently the recent acquisition was overpriced and hence the sell-off -
3.1x EBITDA at 225 hcc plus Grosvenor for free is overpriced? Disagreement makes a market
Interesting comparison with vermillon. However, I think that metallurgical coal has more upside than oil and gas, as at current prices, lots of companies are at break-even and smaller companies are bleeding money. The situation is similar to PGM miners but not as extreme.
Not a perfect comparison. Fair criticism